Investment advisory services offered through Class VI Partners’ affiliate Class VI Family Office, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser with the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission. Class VI Partners offers investment banking and private securities transactions through its affiliate, Class VI Securities, LLC. Class VI Securities, LLC is a registered broker/dealer and member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Class VI Pathfinder, LLC provides general business consulting to privately held businesses.

Testimonials may not be representative of the experience of other customers. Any promotion, either via testimonial or endorsement is unpaid (in cash or non-cash form) and does not guarantee future performance or success.  We believe that all information provided is from credible and reliable sources. This information does not constitute advice or a recommendation or offer to sell or a solicitation to deal in any security or financial product. It is provided for information purposes only and on the understanding that the recipient has sufficient knowledge and experience to be able to understand and make their own evaluation of the proposals and services described herein, any risks associated therewith and any related legal, tax, accounting or other material considerations.

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